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*Most Americans would find it difficult to meet their current financial obligations if their next few paychecks were lost.

*There is an unintentional disabling injury every second.

*An unintentional disabling injury occurs in a motor vehicle accident every 13 seconds.

*An unintentional disabling injury in the home occurs every 3 seconds.
Most employers have answered the benefit formula for how much STD benefits will cost and when the charges will occur. We can help provide comparative benefit information within your industry type. In addition, we work with over 4 dozen insurance carriers and administrators. We can help find the best administrators and funding arrangements to meet your company’s needs. For example, you may wish to work with an Administrator who will pay claims as they are incurred and then seek reimbursement from the employer at the end of the following months. Prefunding can be a way to improve your company’s cash flow. J.T. Worthy consultants will negotiate the most competitive fees on your behalf and provide up to a 3 year rate guarantee.
Short Term Disability
Many employers find it beneficial to work with a reputable administrator or insurance carrier on their Short Term Disability.

Many insurance carriers offer expert claim management, full administration, funding arrangements, EOB’s, Advice to Pay, Coordination of STD & LTD, return to work assistance and customer response units.
Did You Know?
Providing Solutions

  Life Insurance
   Long Term Disability
   Estate Planning
   Buy/Sell Plans
   Executive Bonus
   Split Dollar
   Non-Qualified RET
   Salary Continuation